Monday, February 7, 2011

It's really all about love, isn't it?

This last week I caught a cold. It has been the best-worst cold of my life.
It really was time because I haven't been sick in a year! Yup! A whole year!! To what do I attribute my good health, you ask? Staying away from doctors, lots of good hubby massages, some natural remedies, and God loves me. Simplistic? Maybe. But our whole family has avoided medical care for years, and I don't believe in knocking on wood. I told you we were weird! ;o)

Anyway, we traveled 12 days or son ago to visit our son, Justin, in Mississippi. He is currently living there and working as a disassembly technician on airplanes. He is there to earn and save money to later fulfill his dreams. He works hard and well and we are so very proud of him, but I must say this move of his has been one of the toughest challenges we have faced.
We are the closest family I know. We do everything together and always have and we really like it that way. We went from years of day-to-day life together to living very closely in an RV to being 919 miles apart. The first time I left him to come back to Michigan he was very sick and I felt like I was abandoning him. It ranks in the top 5 worst days EVER.

So, we drove 15 hours on a Wednesday and spent a delightful weekend with him in Orange Beach, AL and then spent the week in Mable (his RV home) just like old times. Got to hang out with Thcott and Uncle Rico--two of the coolest guinea pigs ever.

Had some epic cupcakes...

AND caught a cold together! Once again, I left him sick and then proceeded to drive and drive and drive home. As great as we are at road-trippin', a chest cold does not make for 15 hours of good times. So that it why it's the worst cold.

Why is it the best cold? I am being loved. Action verb.

I recently sat down with a friend who is married and has little ones. She is very loved by her husband but needs some action verb proof of it. I was remembering back to when my three were little and I was teaching piano a LOT and Christian worked full time plus traveled plus worked an office out of Detroit a few days a week. Life was so crazy-busy then and we hadn't been married that long and we had a lot to learn about each other. Christian didn't know every single thing about my needs then, nor I his. We were doing our best and loved each other deeply, but at the end of the day, I was just wishing for a dishwasher. Not exactly dreaming of how I could serve him better.
The knowledge of love grows.

This cold, my husband was rubbing my back and running the errands and filling the tub. He was praying over me and let me just tell you, I felt loved. He has learned and learned well.

Possibly about four years ago, a stranger came to our house and told us he had a message for our family from God. I must say the whole experience was a bit odd. He was, after all, a complete stranger and he was rather dramatic and the way he prayed made the kids giggle no matter how hard they tried to keep a straight face. In a nutshell, he told us that God was about to reveal to us in a whole new way how much He loves us. That if we could grasp even just the tiniest glimpse of how loved we are it would change the entire fabric of our being. That God's love is so very powerful and strong and limitless and that in the end, His love for us is all that matters.
Since then, God has shown us things that would take me a lifetime of blogging to share. But today, as my husband served me from his heart, I was reminded that every single person just longs to be loved like that. No matter where they come from, what they've done, what they look or smell like...everyone just longs to be loved.

If I could pass along even a bit of what I've learned in the last few years through some extreme circumstances that drew me to suck some serious rug at the feet of Jesus, it would be that there is a love so real and ready and available that would literally alter one's existence. I could be the best person from now til eternity; follow every societal rule and never be worthy. It doesn't matter one bit how much I love God. He doesn't need it from me (however much He would like it). What matters is how very much He loves me. Of that love, I will shout from the rooftops.

It is so very good to be loved.

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