Friday, July 22, 2011

My God is in control

There is nothing like a snuggled-up-puppy sigh to make the world all better.
This morning as I watch my big, strong son sleep near me on an air mattress with his doggy curled up beside him "taking care of him," I am so thankful.

Yesterday, he was in a car accident 1000 miles from home. He hydroplaned and flew through the air off an embankment and landed on the nose of his car. After regaining consciousness, in much confusion, he somehow drove to his residence and a few hours later he took two planes all the way home to his family to rest and recuperate.
The details of the accident are pretty frightening. He narrowly missed another car and a telephone pole and flew in the air 30 ft. according to a witness. He woke up with his foot on the gas pedal and his face bleeding on the steering wheel not sure how he got there.

After trials too numerous to count at his place in MS, he was feeling a bit defeated. This was the proverbial straw that did the camel in.

Sometimes, you just need to rest in the arms of those who love you most. So he is home for that very reason. We want to think we can do it all ourselves, but we weren't made that way.

Who knows what my day could have looked like yesterday had God not intervened!

Yup. His car is in rough shape. Yup. He is shaken. Yup. My God is in control.

I have watched him face trial after trial after trial while living down south. I've heard, "I'm fine" enough to last me a lifetime--and then some. He has drawn into His Father's arms after epic wrestling matches with Him. He has learned more about life and himself in eight months there than any nineteen year old I know.

Now, he needs to breathe and seek and be.

Have you watched birds at all? They collect and build nests and argue amongst themselves. They also fly. And doesn't it look like they enjoy it? They play in the currents in the air and soar and swoop effortlessly. If a bird senses danger, he no longer floats with the wind. He quickly turns and flies into it. That opposing air gives him height, sends him higher and faster.

A trial isn't really such a problem if we let it take us higher--closer to our Creator.

Why is life such a struggle sometimes? Challenges and trials, and let's face it, really unfair stuff can feel like they are drowning us sometimes.
Who is to blame? Can we turn it on God, and say if He was loving He wouldn't allow it? Well, a lot of folks do. But here's a bigger question: do we really think God owes us an explanation for why He's allowed us to suffer? Last I checked He is God. That means He sees a bigger picture than I ever could. That means that He has a plan and it's for my good.

Justin almost hit a deer twice last week and a dog. Three very close calls. In yesterday's accident if he had been in any other car than his (a former police car built like a tank), I don't believe he could have survived.
When I asked God what was going on, He simply said three words to me, "I protected him."
Enough said.

What kind of God do we serve? A loving One. Do we think God owes us an explanation of why He's allowed us to suffer? Do we think He must give us an accounting? We speak of God Almighty. And I will say to you what He said to Job: 'Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare if thou hast understanding."
God never told Job why He let him suffer, but don't doubt that God is God and that He hears each word you utter, knows each thought. His plans may never be revealed to you fully, at least not in this life, but it's not yours to question. You must accept the sovereignty of God and trust in His goodness even when everything around you feels the opposite. He will bring glory to Himself through you if you let Him. And as our Creator, isn't that the greatest gift He can give?

So, today, I am grateful for the little things. A hug, a smile, a conversation, a doggy happier than I've ever seen to love a boy.
God is faithful. And He is in control.

"I'm not sure life is supposed to be easy. After a life of ease, one might be surprised to find God's there at all."*

*Excerpts from Whisper on the Wind by Maureen Lang

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Aging and exercising

I HATE EXERCISE!!! With a passion. I just returned from a morning bike ride with my husband, and I must constantly try to find reasons that feeling like this could ever be worth it again tomorrow.
I look (and smell) like something the cat dragged in, and that is something I know is true after having lived for seventeen years with the toughest cat in the world who frequently drags all manner of disgustin' things in.
This kitty has no front claws, is ancient for an outside cat and still hunts successfully almost every day. His name is Rajah and he is convinced he is royalty. Somehow, he inspires me.

All my life, when forced to exercise I've waited for that adrenaline rush that certain folks who do this for fun tell me happens, and that great euphoria upon completion. Yeah. I'm convinced that's a big, fat lie. The only euphoria I feel is the moment I get home and I pretty much kiss the dirt because I'm still alive.

I am, however, trying with everything in me to choose to look at it with a positive outlook. Kinda like when I'm paying a bill, instead of being resentful for the ridiculous amount of money going into someone else's pocket, I say (sometimes through clenched teeth), "Thank You, Lord, that I have the money to pay this bill."
So, "Thank You, Lord, that I have a healthy body that is able to walk and ride bikes. No matter how much I hate doing it."

We watch TV at our house about once a month. We choose not to pay for cable. When we first moved into this house about 9 years ago, we opted out of paying for cable. We stayed TV-less for close to two years. Let me tell you, we spent more fun time together in those years! The kids played more, Christian and I laughed together as we played Yahtzee and Cribbage every night. It was lovely. Before we left on the big trip last year, we cut our cable again and haven't had it since. We have local channels and can watch movies and it has been a blessing.
Anyway, the other night we happened to catch a show about extreme weight loss and there was this guy, Wally, who was 490 lbs. and on this amazing plan to lose half of that weight. His trainer put him on a bike midway through his weight loss to ride 100 miles! The man was 365 pounds and it was one hundred and eleven degrees outside and, God bless him, he made it forty miles before he collapsed.

Christian's grandpa, whom we love dearly, is well into his eighties and has always walked several miles per day. He also rides his bike all over our city whenever possible. That is beyond amazing!

So, as I ride my few little miles this morning, I find myself inspired by Wally and Grandpa. And Rajah. If they can do it, I really need to quit whining.

I'm getting older. It's an ugly fact. My body is mushy where it was never mushy before. I have some sparkly hairs on my head hiding under brown ones. Not okay.
Next week, the most important day of the year is coming up. I am reminding my family daily that it's coming, and it's time to get excited!!
It's a day when a new number gets attached to my identity. It's also a day where I am reminded of my mortality. Darn it.

I can't help the number that is my age. I can control how gracefully I handle it. I refuse to act my age. What fun would that be? I always want to be healthy and fun and do the things I do now like tube down the river and go geocaching and swim in the big waves and ride my bike and laugh and play and be grateful for every moment and my ability to participate in it.

Psalm 18:29
For by You I can run against a troop,
By my God I can leap over a wall.

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Deep thoughts on a summer day...

We had some great conversation the other night with some of the people in this world that we are the very closest to. These are friends that come from all different backgrounds, have differing political views, are at different stages in their lives, yet we relate remarkably well. In fact, these are friendships that have survived major storms, and have come out the other side just as strong. These are the kind you hold onto with all you've got because they are made of real stuff.

First, we all laughed like crazy for hours about nothing and everything and all of a sudden we found ourselves in a deep and meaningful conversation about our faith. That is our common denominator; the tie that binds. 
What is interesting is that each one of us has been hurt or turned off by "religion". Each of us have had to find our own path to the One Who loves us despite all that's been done in His name. I know we are not alone.

Since the first sin when some folks decided to do things their own way and leave God out of the process, mankind has been busy doing what they think should be done instead of the simplicity God intended. All He looked for was for His creation to walk in the garden with Him, enjoy the beauty (and food) He created for them, and spend time with Him. 
And then we botched that all up!

Over the next few thousand years we asked for laws and kings and created a religiosity, based on a need for control--a set of rules which creates a hierarchy and levels of achievement. Law is, after all, cleaner and something to be understood and calculated. 
It is much easier in one way to follow a system than to grasp the concept of grace.
But, Jesus, Himself, was completely disgusted with that religion. Man had once again, turned from the concept of walking hand in hand with Him and instead found our own way to do things. So, He chose to hang with the folks with questions and yearnings, and openly spoke against the ones who claimed to have all the answers. 
He offered up Himself as a road to grace. A path to accept a relationship. Grace is really so simple that it's complicated. Listen to this message sometime. It has changed me.

So, we talked the other night, about what being a Christian is in today's world. As I've written before, those of us who fall in that category have done a fantastic job of ruining that name. Think for a minute of someone you know that doesn't want any part of Christianity. Why? 
Please, no hate mail, but we have created a club-like atmosphere that says we are in and you are out. We have the answers and you don't. This is what religion should look and sound like, and we need to teach you how to be more like us.
This is not my attempt to be judgmental. This truly breaks my heart. Like my husband says, Christians spend so much time trying to tell the world how much we love God instead of letting our living show how much He loves us! Less talk, more action. 
How do I represent? Do people listen to my words because my life shows how loved I am? 
It's a question we who fall under the label "Christian" better be asking ourselves. Are we showing what we are saying? If the ten people we interact most with in a week were asked based on our behavior only, how have we represented? 
It's got to be more than words.
Way fewer words, much more living it out.

What "it" is cannot be grasped. It is mind-boggling, yet so very simple. There is no thing we can do to earn or achieve it. It is extended to us freely, without cost. Striving to DO or BE has to be thrown away. Throw out all Christian rules, words, programs, standards, studies, churches, leaders, and what's left?
A Savior and His naked creation.
We either desire with all of our hearts to seek His hand and hold on throughout every day, or we let go of it and do things our own way.
We come naked and empty-handed or we don't come at all.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My newest baby...

Nope, it's not a puppy or a grand baby. Nothing so exciting as that. I started my next project. A cooking blog.

The idea took shape in my head as my sweet husband encouraged me to spend some time thinking about what I like to do. This is the time in my life where I'm allowing myself to think about how I want to spend my days now that there is a bit more wiggle room in them. A bit, mind you. I love eating, but that in itself wouldn't be much fun to share. But, since I love eating, I also love cooking so combining that with writing seemed only logical.

God has given me a vehicle for my writing and I love writing this blog with all my heart. It will most definitely continue as He gives me words to say. Now, the kid sister is coming along in an effort to document my recipes for my children as well as letting me share some of what I've learned in the kitchen all these years. Plus, I get to explore photography a bit more as well as food presentation which I love.

So, here it is. You can access it through this blog, I will post links on Facebook, or the address is Please be patient with me as I get my feet wet. Try some recipes and let me know what you think in the comment section of the blog, and if you like my blogs, follow them! You can do this at the top of each blog post. And most of all, enjoy!

  Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—
           how good God is.
    Blessed are you who run to him. Psalm 34:8