Monday, February 6, 2012

One year post

Today is the one year anniversary of this little blog of mine. It leaves me reflective. Should I call it, wrap this little baby up and be grateful for all it meant to me and hopefully a few others, or keep plugging away as God sends the words...? 

Well, we shall see. 

Today, as I cleaned and scrubbed the house, I am reminded that it is good sometimes to take a step back and look at what needs to be freshened up and aired out. So, that's what I'm doing. My readers and comments are down a bit, and while that's fine, it makes me wonder if I've accomplished what I needed to. 

We had the exciting days of the no-complaining bracelets, the days where we all were showing our faith and  God was rewarding that by sticking money all over our walls (!), and the biggest blessing of all, those who were touched by my journey with my dad.

Thousands upon thousands of times, you all have clicked and read and hopefully, God showed you a little bit more of Himself. That is my heart's cry. That all who read draw closer to His heart.

What do you think? If there is a post that mattered to you, I'd love to hear about it. You can share a link on Facebook (click the little 'F' under a post), you can comment, (either here or on Facebook), or whatever other way you have to communicate with me. 

For now, I'll continue to wait and see if God has more for me to say. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all so far for letting me know this has mattered.


  1. Oh my goodness, I just started reading your blog. Keep writing!! KEEP WRITING!! Thanks to Suzanne who posted it on Facebook.

    1. Jackie, your comment made me smile and encouraged me greatly. Thank you for reading and taking the time to say something. And yes, thanks to Suzanne (Mom) ;o)

  2. My vote is to continue! You have too much good stuff in you not to share it. I enjoy reading what God has laid on your heart and am always challenged (in a good way) and encouraged by it. Thanks for listening to what He wants us to know.
